class VivialConnect::Connector


Returns an array containing ruby objects corresponding to all Connector resources on your account

Example usage:

=> [#<VivialConnect::Connector account_id=10XXX, active=true, callbacks=[{"date_created"=>"2017-08-21T20:41:46+00:00", "date_modified"=>"2017-08-21T20:41:46+00:00", "event_type"=>"incoming", "message_type"=>"text", "method"=>"POST", "url"=>"path/for/callback"}, {"date_created"=>"2017-08-21T21:05:49+00:00", "date_modified"=>"2017-08-21T21:05:49+00:00", "event_type"=>"incoming_fallback", "message_type"=>"text", "method"=>"POST", "url"=>"path/for/backup/callback"}], date_created="2017-08-21T19:41:01+00:00", date_modified="2017-08-21T19:41:01+00:00", id=54, more_numbers=false, name="List Sender", phone_numbers=[{"phone_number"=>"+1646493XXXX", "phone_number_id"=>1XXX}, {"phone_number"=>"+1646494XXXX", "phone_number_id"=>1XXX}]> ...]


Returns the amount of Connector resources you have set up on your account

Example usage:

=> 3


Creates a record of the Connector and returns it as a Ruby object.

Required parameter:

name | String | "Connector 1"

Example Usage

VivialConnect::Connector.create(name: "Connector 1") 
=> #<VivialConnect::Connector account_id=10XXX, active=true, callbacks=[], date_created="2017-08-22T16:48:32+00:00", date_modified="2017-08-22T16:48:32+00:00", id=XXXX, more_numbers=false, name="Connector 1", phone_numbers=[]>


Returns the Connector resource referenced by the `id` value as a ruby object.

Required parameter:

id | Fixnum | the id of the message you would like to retrieve

Example usage:

=> #<VivialConnect::Connector account_id=10XXX, active=true, callbacks=[], date_created="2017-08-22T16:48:32+00:00", date_modified="2017-08-22T16:48:32+00:00", id=XXXX, more_numbers=false, name="Connector 1", phone_numbers=[]>

.update(id, options={})

Updates the Connector resource with the provided id and returns it

Required parameters:

id | Fixnum | 10000

Example usage:

VivialConnect::Connector.update(5555, name: "New Connector Name")
=> #<VivialConnect::Connector account_id=10XXX, active=true, callbacks=[], date_created="2017-08-22T16:48:32+00:00", date_modified="2017-08-22T16:48:32+00:00", id=XXXX, more_numbers=false, name="New Connector Name", phone_numbers=[]>


Deletes the Connector resource with the provided id from your account and returns true. WARNING: this cannot be undone.

Required parameters:

id | Fixnum | 10000

Example usage:

=> true


Adds a number resource to the Connector object and saves it. If the Connector object has not been saved prior, it will save for the first time during this process. If you wish to add more than one number to your Connector at a time, pass the numbers in an Array i.e. [num_1, num_2, num_3]

Required parameters:

number | VivialConnect::Number  

Example usage:

connector =
number = VivialConnect::Number.all.first
=> #<VivialConnect::Connector account_id=10###, active=true, callbacks=[], date_created="2017-08-24T20:04:18+00:00", date_modified="2017-08-24T20:04:18+00:00", id=7##, more_numbers=false, name=nil, phone_numbers=[{"phone_number"=>"+1646493####", "phone_number_id"=>1###}]>


Dissassociates a number from the Connector. This does not release the number. You can still add it back or to another Connector. If you wish to delete more than one number from your Connector at a time, pass the numbers in an Array i.e. [num_1, num_2, num_3]

Required parameters:

number | VivialConnect::Number

Example usage:

connector = VivialConnect::Connector.all.first
number = VivialConnect::Number.all.first
=> #<VivialConnect::Connector account_id=10###, active=true, callbacks=[], date_created="2017-08-24T20:04:18+00:00", date_modified="2017-08-24T20:04:18+00:00", id=7##, more_numbers=false, name=nil, phone_numbers=[{"phone_number"=>"+1646493####", "phone_number_id"=>1###}]>


Adds a callback resource to the Connector object and saves it. If the Connector object has not been saved prior, it will save for the first time during this process. If you wish to add more than one callback to your Connector at a time, pass the callbacks in an Array i.e. [cb_1, cb_2, cb_3]

Required parameters for callback Hash:

message_type | String | Can either be "text" or "voice"
event_type   | String | Can be "incoming", "incoming_fallback", "status"
url          | String | The URL that will receive callback request
method       | String | Can be "GET", "POST", or "PUT"

Example usage:

connector =
callback = {event_type: "incoming", message_type: "text", url: "path/for/calback", method: "GET"}
=> #<VivialConnect::Connector account_id=10144, active=true, callbacks=[{"date_created"=>"2017-08-28T13:41:01+00:00", "date_modified"=>"2017-08-28T13:41:01+00:00", "event_type"=>"incoming", "message_type"=>"text", "method"=>nil, "url"=>"path/for/calback"}], date_created="2017-08-23T16:22:20+00:00", date_modified="2017-08-23T16:22:20+00:00", id=XX, more_numbers=false, name="Hello Connector", phone_numbers=[]>


Deletes a callback resource on the Connector object. If you wish to delete more than one callback from your Connector at a time, pass the callbacks in an Array i.e. [cb_1, cb_2, cb_3]

Required parameters for callback Hash:

message_type | String | Can either be "text" or "voice"
event_type   | String | Can be "incoming", "incoming_fallback", "status"

Example usage:

connector = VivialConnect::Connector.all.first
number = VivialConnect::Connector.all.first
connector.delete_callback({event_type: "incoming", message_type: "text"})
=> #<VivialConnect::Connector account_id=10XXX, active=true, callbacks=[], date_created="2017-08-25T14:51:04+00:00", date_modified="2017-08-25T14:51:04+00:00", id=XX, more_numbers=false, name=nil, phone_numbers=[]>