class VivialConnect::User


Returns an array containing ruby objects corresponding to all User resources on your account

Example usage:

=> [#<VivialConnect::User account_id=1XXXX, active=true, api_key="User's Api Key", date_created="2017-04-25T09:37:47-04:00", date_modified="2017-04-25T09:38:09-04:00", email="", first_name="Bob", id=1XXXX, last_name="Test", roles=[{"active"=>true, "date_created"=>"2016-09-30T19:42:59-04:00", "date_modified"=>"2016-09-30T19:42:59-04:00", "description"=>"Account administrator role", "id"=>3, "name"=>"AccountAdministrator", "role_type"=>"client"}, {"active"=>true, "date_created"=>"2016-09-30T19:42:59-04:00", "date_modified"=>"2016-09-30T19:42:59-04:00", "description"=>"User role", "id"=>X, "name"=>"User", "role_type"=>"client"}], timezone="US/Eastern", username="btester", verified=true>]


Returns the number of users associated with your account.

Example usage:

=> 7


Returns User object with the id provided

Required parameter:

id | Fixnum | 726

Example usage:

=> #<VivialConnect::User account_id=1XXXX, active=true, api_key="apikey", date_created="2016-12-28T11:14:58-05:00", date_modified="2017-04-25T11:59:04-04:00", email="", first_name="Bob", id=1XXXX, last_name="Tester", roles=[{"active"=>true, "date_created"=>"2016-09-30T19:42:59-04:00", "date_modified"=>"2016-09-30T19:42:59-04:00", "description"=>"Account administrator role", "id"=>3, "name"=>"AccountAdministrator", "role_type"=>"client"}, {"active"=>true, "date_created"=>"2016-09-30T19:42:59-04:00", "date_modified"=>"2016-09-30T19:42:59-04:00", "description"=>"User role", "id"=>4, "name"=>"User", "role_type"=>"client"}], timezone="US/Eastern", username="btester", verified=true>

.find_each(start: 1, finish: nil, batch_size: 150)

Iterates through all of the users on your account in N sized batches and returns an array containing all the users beginning at the `start: value` and ending at the `finish: value`.

When a block is given this method yields an individual User object. 
Without a block, this method returns an Enumerator. 

By default, it will begin at the first userr and end at the last user

With default batch_size: 150, if you wanted to get your records from
150 to 300 you would start at 2 and finish at 2.

Returns an Array of objects corresponding to the `start` and `finish` values. Default is all objects.

Optional parameters:

start      | Fixnum | batch to start with
finish     | Fixnum | batch to end with
batch_size | Fixnum | between 1..150

Example usage:

VivialConnect::User.find_each {|user| puts user.username}
=> [#<VivialConnect::User account_id=1XXXX>,  ... ]

.find_in_batches(start: 1, finish: nil, batch_size: 150)

Iterates through all of the user on your account in N sized batches and returns an array containing all the users beginning at the `start: value` and ending at the `finish: value`.

When a block is given this method yields an array of batch_size resource objects. 
Without a block, it returns an Enumerator.

By default, it will begin at the first user and end at the last user

With default batch_size: 150, if you wanted to get your records from
150 to 300 you would start at 2 and finish at 2.

Returns an Array of objects corresponding to the `start` and `finish` values. Default is all objects.

Optional parameters:

start      | Fixnum | batch to start with
finish     | Fixnum | batch to end with
batch_size | Fixnum | between 1..150

Example usage:

VivialConnect::User.find_in_batches {|batch| do_something_with_an_array(batch)}
=> [#<VivialConnect::User account_id=1XXXX> , ... ]

.update_password(id, old_pw, new_pw)

updates the password for the user with the id passed.

Example usage:

VivialConnect::User.update_password(928, "oldpassword", "newpassword")
=> true

#update_password(old_pw, new_pw)

updates the password for the user object referenced

Example usage:

user = User.find(1)
user.update_password("oldpassword", "newpassword")
=> true

NOTE: there is no need to call .save here. This method updates the database.